4 Bedroom House for Sale in Seeduwa/ Raddolugama
2023-01-28 10:39:04 ( House sale ) - Gampaha, Gampaha

කාමර- 4
නානකාමර- 3
ප්රමාණය- 1,800.0 වර්ග අඩි
ඉඩමේ විශාලත්වය - 6.0 පර්චස්
4 bedrooms, 3 bath rooms Upper floor all rooms with balconies, high roof with nice wooden ceiling highly ventilated house. No need of ac or fans, fully tiled, has a servant toilet, gated car porch, adjoining 5perches land has been agreed by the government NHDA.20min to Colombo, High way is very close by, 5-10minutes to the airport
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