House for sale in Kandawala road, Ratmalana
2023-10-09 14:32:30 ( House sale ) - Colombo, Ratmalana

House for sale in Kandawala road, Ratmalana
- Two storey house (Up stair study & shrining room only)
- 30.09 perches
- 2900 sqft
- Fully tiled floor/ Terrazzo floor in Living area
- 5 Bedrooms
- 2 Bathrooms with hot water
- Two pantry areas (Mahogany & Aluminium with granite top)
- TV room
- Separate kitchen (indoor)
- Garage
- Servant's toilet
- Main electricity & water supply
- 200m to Galle road, 1km to KDU
- 500m to Kandawala Jogging Track and Lake
- Well established residential neighborhood
- Remote controlled sliding gate
- Front boundary of the land is secured by high chain link fence supported by iron posts
- Large garden area behind (approx 8 perches) equipped with a well