House for Sale in nattandiya
2023-03-25 15:38:23 ( House sale ) - Puttalam, Nattandiya

- 135 perches with newly built house walipannagahamulla naththandiya
- 3 Bed Rooms
- Lobby
- Dining area
- Pantry
- Kitchen
- Car porch
- Walks & Gates
- Sequred by CCTv
- 1600 sq.ft.
- Clear feeds
- Good nebouher good
- Green world
- Rs 16500000
- Other option
- With 40 perches land and house
- Rs . 9500000
- Nearest city Naththandiya & kuliyapitiya
- Nearest hospital Dunaka deniya 800 mt
- Nearest bustop 800 mt
- Nearest bank peoples bank 2 km super market fuel station available
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