Land For Sale In Aniwaththa
2023-09-28 11:27:35 ( Land Sale ) - Kandy, Kandy

මහනුව අනිවත්ත පර්චස් 18ක ඉඩම පර්චසය ලක්ෂ 18 ක්ය. සියලු පහසුකම් සහිතයි.
විමසිම් - 0707809957
Kandy railway and bus station - 2.8km
Kandy general hospital - 2.7km
Peradeniya teaching hospital - 4.9km
Temple of the tooth relic - 3.1 km
Kandy city center - 3.1m
Kandy city center 2.8km
Supermarket- nihal super 900m arpico
Super center 1.8km
Peradeniya botanical gardens- 5.8km
18p flat land in galkanda road, Anniewatte, kandy,
This land is situatial is situated at a highly residential area.
(With 5-minute access to kandy town, leading schools in kandy, hospitals, banks, mini and supermarkets etc. )
10ft road access to the land.
Clear plans and deed.
Water, electricity,
Telephone facilities available.
Natural surroundings