Land for Sale - Wattegama Kandy

2023-06-30 10:24:11 ( Land Sale ) - Kandy, Kandy


Address:wavinna, wattegama
Land type:Agricultural, Residential
Land size:59.0 perches

In kundasale division, 59 purchases land for immediate sale.

5.5 km to madawala town

4 km to wattegama town,

4 km to manikhinna town,

3 km to walala junction

13 km to kandy city

19 km to matale city

Electricity and water (NWSDB) and telecom available in the land.

Nutmeg, clove, coconut and few jack fruit trees also available. Medium slope land. very calm environment with highly residential, 10 ft wide private road available for the land. Clear deeds with clear boundaries with concrete post and wired fence.